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Research & Advocacy

Our Research and Advocacy basket is dedicated to driving change through research and policy advocacy. Your donation can help fund important research projects, support policy advocacy, and drive change on important issues. By donating, you're helping to create a more just and equitable society.


Charities We Support: Make a Difference in Research and Advocacy

Amnesty International: Conducting research and advocacy to protect human rights, combat injustice, and promote global accountability.

Human Rights Watch: Investigating human rights abuses worldwide and advocating for justice, transparency, and respect for human rights.

Pew Research Center: Providing nonpartisan research and analysis on key issues, shaping public policy debates and informing decision-making.

Environmental Defense Fund: Combining science, economics, and advocacy to address environmental challenges, protect ecosystems, and combat climate change.

Center for Economic and Policy Research: Conducting economic research and promoting policy changes to create more equitable and sustainable societies.

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